Thank you for your support
Thank you for joining us for our Helping Our Kids Soar luncheon to benefit the many children we serve through the Children’s Guardian Fund and the Guardian ad Litem program. We are grateful that you took the time to attend the luncheon and learn more about the work being done on behalf of children in state care.
One thought has stuck with me since I left the luncheon: the simple fact that the GAL Program, wonderful as it is, needs the help of others in order to fully achieve its mission. Senator Galvano’s work in the Florida legislature, individual donors, the dedication of educators and individuals willing to support safe and stable housing for teens — all of this and more is needed if we are to improve outcomes for each and every child. Yesterday’s luncheon was a heart-warming example of our community drawing together in support of a cause we agree is important.
This may have been your first introduction to CGF. We know there was a lot to take in and a luncheon format doesn’t give us enough time to address every aspect of our work. If you would like to learn more, we invite you to visit our website or call our office to ask any questions you may have. If we didn’t give you enough time to fill out the response card, we invite you to do this now and let us know how you may want to be involved with this important work.
Thank you again for caring about the children in our community whose lot in life has not always been happy. With your help, we can say YES to every child in foster and state care!
Dr. Harold “Hal” Hedley
CGF President
Special Thanks to our Generous Sponsors
Honorary Luncheon Chair
Carol and Morton Siegler
Honorary Host Committee
Carol Belmont, Robert and Willa Bernhard, Susan Brainerd and Alan Quinby, Cynthia M. Craig, Michael Jerde, William and Elizabeth Johnston, Karen Johnson, Catherine Kuhlman, Graci McGillicuddy, and Susan Stockham.
Wendy Cox Law, PL
Betty Ewing
Carol Belmont
Robert and Willa Bernhard
Jasmine and Malcolm Candlish
Marcia and Michael Corrigan
Cynthia M. Craig
Hal and Luanne Hedley
Michael Jerde
Karen Johnson
Elizabeth and William Johnston
Kerkering Barberio
Catherine Kuhlman
Graci McGillicuddy
G.E. “Mike” Michalson
Candice Miller
Carol Pregont
Mark Sharff
Judy Sharple
Carol and Morton Siegler
Susan Stockham
Williams Parker
Ginger Judge
The Morin Family
Nancy Feehan
Kirk Pinkerton, P.A., Attorneys at Law
Regions Bank
The Adamchak Bordes Group, Merrill Lynch, Wealth Management Advisors
Boar’s Head Provisions Co., Inc.
Claudia George & Company
Rosalyn Fleischer
Gulf Coast Community Foundation
Joy Holloway
Jo Ann Kertesz
Alan Kesten
Anne Moffitt
Nancy Parrish
Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida
Harold Ronson
The Sarasota Family Y
Betty Schoenbaum
Representative Greg Steube
Marjorie Tick
Law Offices of Vicki Wilson, P.A.
Jane Woods
Merchant Sponsors
ANJ Logos, LLC
Florida Studio Theatre
South Florida Museum
Sarasota Opera
Sarasota Orchestra
The Circus Arts Conservatory
The Players
The Ringling
TLC Toys